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SSH over SSL via HaProxy

I hate going to businesses who offer "free wifi" but then block port 22. Also I've noticed that Comcast blocks port 22 at some places I've visited.  I used to get around it by running ssh over port 443 - but more recently businesses have been blocking that as well and when you ask why - their IT department has no idea. It's ridiculous and a major problem when it blocks access to git repositories, etc. Fortunately setting up ssh over SSL is easy with HaProxy.

Mail to fax gateway with Hylafax on Raspberry Pi and Postfix

This will setup the Raspberry Pi to act as a mail server that will take any emails sent to and will send out a fax from that received email. The PI  makes a great, low-power-draw server with a USB modem. A modem that works well is the U.S. Robotics USR5637 56K USB Controller Dial-Up External Fax Modem with Voice

Notes on setting it up for postfix and mail-to-fax capabilities

* Get and boot with Raspian

* Find out what com port is assigned to the modem

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