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Remote Monitoring of KDE desktop

In the COVID-19 times it can be challenging to work and to have kids who now have 100% of their schooling done remotely and are required to be online for a large part of the day. Social media sites are extremely addictive and kids are extremely vulnerable to forming addictive behaviors. So can you have a small window that shows what your kids (or remote workers) are doing that you can re-connect to if/when they kill the remote connection?


Renewing LetsEncrypt SSL/TLS Certificate for Mail Server behind HaProxy

Best practices is having a valid cert on the mail server(s), to only accept encrypted traffic (e.g. not listen on port 80) and to redirect non-encrypted port 80 traffic to SSL/TLS port 443. 

However if you use LetsEncrypt, you need to pass the inbound LetsEncrypt request without a redirection. There are numerous ways to do this, but if you want to not have to create a custom firewall rule for LetsEncrypt traffic and not have to worry about non-standard TCP ports read on...

Steps for this:

Another myth of the Animal Kingdom ... human persistence hunting.

Both of my parents are Anthropologists. So before I could walk, I had been going to Anthropological meetings and listening to the adults as they talked. I learned that if you just sat around and were quiet, you became part of the furniture and adults would just talk as if you weren't even there. In a way, my brother and I were "child anthropologists" studying the anthropologists at their conferences.

Creating a bootable USB for a HP X2

Problem: The HP X2 has only one USB drive port. Need to boot and run Ubuntu from a USB and have the data persist (e.g. not just a standard LiveUSB)


1) Have:

  • a Bootable DVD with Ubuntu on it.
  • USB DVD drive
  • USB to be destroyed
  • Powered USB hub

2) Boot with the USBHub+DVD+USB-DVD.  Do not put in the USB drive yet.

3) Select "Try Ubuntu"

4) Insert USB into USBhub and observe the /dev/XXX assigned. (In this case it was /dev/sda)

SVN repository to git

When I first created PHPLOT I started with CVS. When I moved it to Sourceforge I converted to SVN. Now I'm using git and this guide is how to migrate from Sourceforge to Github or, in general, any SVN to git repository. 

1. Create the list of SVN Authors

Subversion only keeps the username for each commit. Git’s commits need to have a name and email listed at a minimum. By default git-svn  will just list the SVN username. This list can be used by git-svn to transform plain svn usernames into proper Git committers.

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