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Renewing LetsEncrypt SSL/TLS Certificate for Mail Server behind HaProxy

Best practices is having a valid cert on the mail server(s), to only accept encrypted traffic (e.g. not listen on port 80) and to redirect non-encrypted port 80 traffic to SSL/TLS port 443. 

However if you use LetsEncrypt, you need to pass the inbound LetsEncrypt request without a redirection. There are numerous ways to do this, but if you want to not have to create a custom firewall rule for LetsEncrypt traffic and not have to worry about non-standard TCP ports read on...

Steps for this:

SSH over SSL via HaProxy

I hate going to businesses who offer "free wifi" but then block port 22. Also I've noticed that Comcast blocks port 22 at some places I've visited.  I used to get around it by running ssh over port 443 - but more recently businesses have been blocking that as well and when you ask why - their IT department has no idea. It's ridiculous and a major problem when it blocks access to git repositories, etc. Fortunately setting up ssh over SSL is easy with HaProxy.

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