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Drupal + Gatsby + Node.js + Pantheon + Vercel + + ...

An interesting integration issue that came up with a client with a Drupal site hosted on with a Gatsby module that tied into Github code which triggered a Vercel deployment into an integrated flat site with 3rd party code.

Drupal is a PHP-based content management server. is a javascript-based site-tracking module that (in this case) is managed by npm

Gastby is designed to take an entire Drupal site, flatten it into a node.js implementation. and then package it for delivery. In this case it too was managed by npm

Exporting from Salesforce SOQL to Drupal Feeds. SOQL to SQL via via GuzzleHTTP

Interesting issue with an integration between a new Salesforce application and a legacy enterprise application. The data from salesforce API was limited to 50 records at once so as a workaround the Salesforce team gave access via a SQL call which could send more records each time. Consuming the data came via GuzzleHTTP which absorbed the data from Salesforce and delivers as an object as a nested associative array. E.g.


MySQL to MariDB migration for Drupal leads to 7x performance increase

Client had a Drupal7 site that had the (not yet discovered) bug in that version of Drupal where the views cache was being rebuilt for anonymous users accessing the front page.

While the root cause could be covered up with proxy/cache servers an ultimate solution needed to be found.

One test was to see if replacing MySQL with MariaDB increased speed. It did.  Because the cache was broken in that version of Drupal it was causing excessive DB lookups. Changing from MySQL to MariaDB resulted in a 2x to 7x performance improvement.

Legacy Vbscript/.NET CRM replacement with Drupal Commerce

Client had an emergency situation regarding a custom Windows .NET application that was an online store, a CRM system, an enterprise shipping/printing management system, and an employee management system.

Was able to immediately identify key security issues and attack vectors to stop ongoing attacks.

Assisted legal teams/law enforcement with chain of evidence and reports. Worked with legacy system code/server and client’s IT team to identify further weaknesses in system.

Led teams in multi-year process to modularize and replace legacy infrastructure without impacting business continuity. Upgrades included:

Web-based Traffic Management System managing real-time data from roadside devices

Worked with embedded device team to create a vertically integrated system from field devices to server system to end user. Part of the investigation was looking at raw TCP/IP to generate minimal HTTP requests to minimize network traffic from the numerous, mobile-connected devices. 

Investigated technologies and built from scratch web-system used to manage of deployment, monitoring, reporting, TFTP updates, calculations, and real-time display of data from sensors deployed along roads and connected via mobile traffic.

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