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Massive data stream absorption

Customer had a Java/Tomcat/Apache/MySQL application that was unable to absorb real-time GPS probe point data from millions of vehicles without choking. Vendor sending the real-time GPS data would get errors and stop the feed.  Lead programmer for application insisted that the only way to fix the issue was to "upgrade to 'Enterprise class' software like WebSphere and Oracle" 

4-ISP Linux firewall


Called in to take over networking issues that prior consultants were unable to solve.

After purchasing two competitors, the client was required to maintain connections to the internet and required by vendors have direct WAN connections to 3 third-party vendor networks.

Client had a complex routing issue consisting of multiple Cisco routers, multiple digital lines, managed switches, fiber repeaters, a satellite connection, and the local network.

Web-based Traffic Management System managing real-time data from roadside devices

Worked with embedded device team to create a vertically integrated system from field devices to server system to end user. Part of the investigation was looking at raw TCP/IP to generate minimal HTTP requests to minimize network traffic from the numerous, mobile-connected devices. 

Investigated technologies and built from scratch web-system used to manage of deployment, monitoring, reporting, TFTP updates, calculations, and real-time display of data from sensors deployed along roads and connected via mobile traffic.

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