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Massive data stream absorption

Customer had a Java/Tomcat/Apache/MySQL application that was unable to absorb real-time GPS probe point data from millions of vehicles without choking. Vendor sending the real-time GPS data would get errors and stop the feed.  Lead programmer for application insisted that the only way to fix the issue was to "upgrade to 'Enterprise class' software like WebSphere and Oracle" 

MySQL Replication

A few interesting MySQL replication scenarios: 

Encrypted WAN Replication:
A company with mission-critical database services wanted real-time WAN backup of MySQL database. I setup remote, ssh-encrypted MySQL replications across WAN for real-time backup of SQL database. System supports “catch-up” replication in case network is slow or down.  Allows client to recover to any moment in time if main server goes down.

Mobile (Android) Routing Ap

Led team to build demo mobile traffic and travel ap.

Application recorded a users driving via GPS probe points and then used
real-time traffic data to estimate travel time over the routes that were recorded.

System was used as the framework for a system built later for Fortune 5 automotive company.

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