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Computational Physics

Many FORTRAN programs over my physics years: 

  • milisecond analysis of pulsar data
  • retrieval and archive of data from tape (md -> FORTRAN)
  • FORTRAN and C computions
  • FFT
  • electron cloud computations in multiwire high-energy-physics detection system

Computational Simulation of Dust in Plasmas

In 1993-94 my adviser asked me to run the theoretical component of the experiments our group was running in plasma chambers. He asked me to use his VisualBasic code because that way he could understand it. However, in order to do dust-plasma simulations you need to run many-body simulations and with the current code I calculated it would take a few years to generate enough data to complete my thesis. Fortunately, at the time, I was also the network/workstation administrator for the astronomy labs which had 40+ workstations networked via TCP/IP.

Integrating Multiple College Databases into Central Web Database

2001-2006: Lead Application Architect, DBA for system integrating multiple universities' and colleges’ admissions databases into a centralized "Sports Recruiting Management System." Led a team which built the web service used by NCAA schools across the country so that coaches and recruiters could adhere to strict NCAA recruiting and reporting requirements.

UNI talent database: 2-tier system, Perl/DBI-DBD

1997 was before PHP, JSP, MySQL or ASP.  The web consisted of static pages and dynamic via CGI. The University of Northern Iowa asked if I could create a “talent database” where individuals could login via a web interface and volunteer as local experts in various fields and keep in contact via email. 

Written entirely in Perl via CGI using DBD/DBI libraries with a mSQL back-end (the precursor of MySQL). In order to make the system completely automated I created a Perl to sendmail to database interface.

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