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Web-based Condo Management and Accounting Application

Web-based, vertically-integrated billing, accounting, and facility management system for condominium association management group.

Internally called "quickbooks for Condos" this web-based application was designed specifically for condos. Client had specific accrual-based accounting and tracking requriements for multi-decade planning and management. Client had complex goals set by outside designers who had never designed for web-based media before, a compliance group, and a finance group.

Web-Based Medical Billing Appliction for Statewide Network of Health Care Providers

Web-based billing/accounting system and patient management software for associated network of doctors across Iowa.

Allowed doctors move to a paperless medical record system. Managed allowed procedures for doctor/patient interactions and automatically created PDFs in format required by insurance agencies and state regulators. Final implementation nearly completely automated billing/reports to state regulators and insurance agencies, saving client hundreds of person-hours per month.

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