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UNI talent database: 2-tier system, Perl/DBI-DBD

1997 was before PHP, JSP, MySQL or ASP.  The web consisted of static pages and dynamic via CGI. The University of Northern Iowa asked if I could create a “talent database” where individuals could login via a web interface and volunteer as local experts in various fields and keep in contact via email. 

Written entirely in Perl via CGI using DBD/DBI libraries with a mSQL back-end (the precursor of MySQL). In order to make the system completely automated I created a Perl to sendmail to database interface.

MySQL Binary Logging

Often clients with mission-critical applications need to track every update and change to a MySQL database system. This is useful not just for security but to also for replicating user actions when there's a complaint.

Being able to say "User X logged in and did these exact actions" from a DB review is often invaluable both in Q/A and in production and the time to resolve database-related user trouble tickets can be done in minutes when 100% of a user's actions can be replicated.

Web-based Traffic Management System managing real-time data from roadside devices

Worked with embedded device team to create a vertically integrated system from field devices to server system to end user. Part of the investigation was looking at raw TCP/IP to generate minimal HTTP requests to minimize network traffic from the numerous, mobile-connected devices. 

Investigated technologies and built from scratch web-system used to manage of deployment, monitoring, reporting, TFTP updates, calculations, and real-time display of data from sensors deployed along roads and connected via mobile traffic.

Mobile (Android) Routing Ap

Led team to build demo mobile traffic and travel ap.

Application recorded a users driving via GPS probe points and then used
real-time traffic data to estimate travel time over the routes that were recorded.

System was used as the framework for a system built later for Fortune 5 automotive company.

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