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Best practices is having a valid cert on the mail server(s), to only accept encrypted traffic (e.g. not listen on port 80) and to redirect non-encrypted port 80 traffic to SSL/TLS port 443. 

However if you use LetsEncrypt, you need to pass the inbound LetsEncrypt request without a redirection. There are numerous ways to do this, but if you want to not have to create a custom firewall rule for LetsEncrypt traffic and not have to worry about non-standard TCP ports read on...

Steps for this:

1. Configure HaProxy to recognize and forward the ".well-known/acme-challenge/" and redirect other port 80 traffic to 443


#CaCert Test URI to see if its a letsencrypt request for certbot
acl letsencrypt-acl path_beg -i /.well-known/acme-challenge/

# Redirect to 443 if client request is on port 80
acl host_MAILHOST hdr(host) -i MAILHOST_FQDN
redirect scheme https code 301 if host_MAILHOST !letsencrypt-acl

#Otherwise pass on the traffic to the mail server certbot request matching TCPPORT (80 below)
use_backend MAILHOST_CERTBOT if letsencrypt-acl host_MAILHOST

# Don't interfere with Certbot requests on this HaProxy server
use_backend letsencrypt-backend if letsencrypt-acl !host_MAILHOST


#Pass on CaCert test without check to see if server is alive. It usually isn't

2. Renew but use port 80 for the inbound request (as root on the mail server). Note: you don't have to use port 80, but if not then you have to setup firewall, HaProxy, etc accordingly.

letsencrypt renew --standalone --agree-tos --email XXX@YYY --preferred-challenges=http --http-01-port=80

