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Computational Simulation of Dust in Plasmas

In 1993-94 my adviser asked me to run the theoretical component of the experiments our group was running in plasma chambers. He asked me to use his VisualBasic code because that way he could understand it. However, in order to do dust-plasma simulations you need to run many-body simulations and with the current code I calculated it would take a few years to generate enough data to complete my thesis. Fortunately, at the time, I was also the network/workstation administrator for the astronomy labs which had 40+ workstations networked via TCP/IP.

Automating Car dealer ADP System to Web Sites

A car dealer had an ADP DMS access via "Reflections" and remote access only via modem. I was approached by a company with the problem that nightly updates were being done by hand to pull from the ADP system in order to upload them to a web server. This was a complex problem requiring scripts in Windows, ADP “English statement” scripts, Reflections Visual Basic Macros, and finally a bash/PHP script to move the downloaded data into a MySQL database. Met with client and setup a completely automated system.

Electronic Data Exchange between 4 commercial systems for one Real Estate Office

A local real estate agency purchased a Perl-based commercial real-estate listing management package and purchased a commercial realty office management software that used Microsoft Access with a Visual Basic back end. Agency wanted to integrate those two products and expand on functionality of online version. Met with principles of agency, and setup deliverables, timeline and budget. Lead DBA and programmer for project able to exceed client expectations and setup a new data-driven website that agency claimed was responsible for becoming the dominant agency in the region.

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