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Drupal + Gatsby + Node.js + Pantheon + Vercel + + ...

An interesting integration issue that came up with a client with a Drupal site hosted on with a Gatsby module that tied into Github code which triggered a Vercel deployment into an integrated flat site with 3rd party code.

Drupal is a PHP-based content management server. is a javascript-based site-tracking module that (in this case) is managed by npm

Gastby is designed to take an entire Drupal site, flatten it into a node.js implementation. and then package it for delivery. In this case it too was managed by npm

Exporting from Salesforce SOQL to Drupal Feeds. SOQL to SQL via via GuzzleHTTP

Interesting issue with an integration between a new Salesforce application and a legacy enterprise application. The data from salesforce API was limited to 50 records at once so as a workaround the Salesforce team gave access via a SQL call which could send more records each time. Consuming the data came via GuzzleHTTP which absorbed the data from Salesforce and delivers as an object as a nested associative array. E.g.


Iaas Election Software Services

2016: Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) and Application Architecture:

Client requested upgrade of a legacy system for an organization that engages potential voters in U.S. elections across dozens of campaigns. Migrated to a full virtualized IAAS microservices architecture with virtual firewalls, virtual LANs, and virtual DEV/TEST/PROD servers. Negotiated contract for service, did load testing to predict needed allocation of resources, and led team for a successful roll-out, and hosted solution.

Originally setup in MySQL and moved to MariaDB

Legacy Vbscript/.NET CRM replacement with Drupal Commerce

Client had an emergency situation regarding a custom Windows .NET application that was an online store, a CRM system, an enterprise shipping/printing management system, and an employee management system.

Was able to immediately identify key security issues and attack vectors to stop ongoing attacks.

Assisted legal teams/law enforcement with chain of evidence and reports. Worked with legacy system code/server and client’s IT team to identify further weaknesses in system.

Led teams in multi-year process to modularize and replace legacy infrastructure without impacting business continuity. Upgrades included:

Web-based Condo Management and Accounting Application

Web-based, vertically-integrated billing, accounting, and facility management system for condominium association management group.

Internally called "quickbooks for Condos" this web-based application was designed specifically for condos. Client had specific accrual-based accounting and tracking requriements for multi-decade planning and management. Client had complex goals set by outside designers who had never designed for web-based media before, a compliance group, and a finance group.

Web-Based Medical Billing Appliction for Statewide Network of Health Care Providers

Web-based billing/accounting system and patient management software for associated network of doctors across Iowa.

Allowed doctors move to a paperless medical record system. Managed allowed procedures for doctor/patient interactions and automatically created PDFs in format required by insurance agencies and state regulators. Final implementation nearly completely automated billing/reports to state regulators and insurance agencies, saving client hundreds of person-hours per month.

Custom Electronic Schedule Management Web System for Ortho

Web-based Orthopaedic patient/schedule management system. Allowed doctor to track patient statistics, CMEs, meetings,
and allowed staff to provide doctor with documents needed on trips anywhere in the world.

Created bid, deliverables, and timeline for third party as sub-contractor. Lead
DBA, hired additional programming staff for project, trained them in
PHP-database programming, and managed project from inception to completion.

Project so successful for first physician that many other physicians in office setup the same

Automating Car dealer ADP System to Web Sites

A car dealer had an ADP DMS access via "Reflections" and remote access only via modem. I was approached by a company with the problem that nightly updates were being done by hand to pull from the ADP system in order to upload them to a web server. This was a complex problem requiring scripts in Windows, ADP “English statement” scripts, Reflections Visual Basic Macros, and finally a bash/PHP script to move the downloaded data into a MySQL database. Met with client and setup a completely automated system.

Integrating Multiple College Databases into Central Web Database

2001-2006: Lead Application Architect, DBA for system integrating multiple universities' and colleges’ admissions databases into a centralized "Sports Recruiting Management System." Led a team which built the web service used by NCAA schools across the country so that coaches and recruiters could adhere to strict NCAA recruiting and reporting requirements.

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