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Multi-Realtor Office MLS to Custom Web Realty System

Multiple realty agencies using the Paragon MLS system wanted to have their own individual pages each with the houses listed. Individual Reator agencies wanted to pull all data from the MLS system (including images) and display them on web sites. System needed to be able to connect daily to the MLS system, download incremental data and relevant images and listing data and then import into MySQL database for real-time display with search capabilities. MLS system originally used XML data as defined by IDX rules, but later changed.

UNI talent database: 2-tier system, Perl/DBI-DBD

1997 was before PHP, JSP, MySQL or ASP.  The web consisted of static pages and dynamic via CGI. The University of Northern Iowa asked if I could create a “talent database” where individuals could login via a web interface and volunteer as local experts in various fields and keep in contact via email. 

Written entirely in Perl via CGI using DBD/DBI libraries with a mSQL back-end (the precursor of MySQL). In order to make the system completely automated I created a Perl to sendmail to database interface.

Web-based Traffic Management System managing real-time data from roadside devices

Worked with embedded device team to create a vertically integrated system from field devices to server system to end user. Part of the investigation was looking at raw TCP/IP to generate minimal HTTP requests to minimize network traffic from the numerous, mobile-connected devices. 

Investigated technologies and built from scratch web-system used to manage of deployment, monitoring, reporting, TFTP updates, calculations, and real-time display of data from sensors deployed along roads and connected via mobile traffic.

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