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Iaas Election Software Services

2016: Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) and Application Architecture:

Client requested upgrade of a legacy system for an organization that engages potential voters in U.S. elections across dozens of campaigns. Migrated to a full virtualized IAAS microservices architecture with virtual firewalls, virtual LANs, and virtual DEV/TEST/PROD servers. Negotiated contract for service, did load testing to predict needed allocation of resources, and led team for a successful roll-out, and hosted solution.

Originally setup in MySQL and moved to MariaDB

Legacy Vbscript/.NET CRM replacement with Drupal Commerce

Client had an emergency situation regarding a custom Windows .NET application that was an online store, a CRM system, an enterprise shipping/printing management system, and an employee management system.

Was able to immediately identify key security issues and attack vectors to stop ongoing attacks.

Assisted legal teams/law enforcement with chain of evidence and reports. Worked with legacy system code/server and client’s IT team to identify further weaknesses in system.

Led teams in multi-year process to modularize and replace legacy infrastructure without impacting business continuity. Upgrades included:

VMware to KVM/qemu for legacy Windows Solution

Client had legacy Windows NT application (not connected to Internet, but running legacy system) that was running on VMWARE ESXi.

Client wanted to migrate to KVM/qemu however the old physical system had IDE emulation via Adaptec SCSI->IDE. And client had created the VMWARE emulation the same way. Thus when the VM was converted from VMWARE to KVM/qemu the system would not eboot. Got the infamous BSOD with "INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE" error as it was looking for a SCSI drive controlled as IDE by an adaptec driver that didn't exist anymore.

Subscribe to KVM/QEMU