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Led team in Sprint that in two weeks had designed system to build fully functional in-car demo for one of the world's largest companies integrating web, voice (VXML), traffic, phone and mobile application.  Assisted with sales for final demo which used real-time, in-car, routing, voice-activated system using potential client's in-car, voice-activated system. Stepped in to program the voice activated system leveraging VXML tools when team ran into difficulty. 

Full system:

Car manufacturing company selected the demo for a full system. Lead on project interacting with client's web software teams, DB teams, security teams, testing groups, business groups, in-vehicle software teams, marketing groups, voice contractors, design teams, and operations teams. Multiple APIs required and developed to work between various groups at client. For the company creating the system, it required implementing an API service that sat between legacy Java system and new web-application environment.

Some Highlights:

  • Load testing to support 250,000 concurrent users and using microservices architecture and load balancing to scale to support multi-millions of users. 
  • Being told to a new requirement to encrypt data in tables "at-rest" even in tables with primary keys and testing performance impact of Oracle vs MySQL encryption. Setup MySQL DB encryption capable for encrypting on primary key without significant performance degradation
  • Stepping in to build SAML2 part of system via Shibboleth 
  • Hardening of network & system in advance of 3rd party security reviews, Passing.
  • Extensive encryption vs performance metrics tested and using AES hardware acceleration.
  • Hiring additional staff once demo was accepted to complete project on time with all deliverables.