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Drupal + Gatsby + Node.js + Pantheon + Vercel + + ...

An interesting integration issue that came up with a client with a Drupal site hosted on with a Gatsby module that tied into Github code which triggered a Vercel deployment into an integrated flat site with 3rd party code.

Drupal is a PHP-based content management server. is a javascript-based site-tracking module that (in this case) is managed by npm

Gastby is designed to take an entire Drupal site, flatten it into a node.js implementation. and then package it for delivery. In this case it too was managed by npm

Ecommerce development of web-to-fax, email-to-fax delivery of orders

1995: Back before PCI compliance existed, shortly after SSL was first developed, vendors wanted to have the ability to have an e-commerce store but not take the risk of having credit card information sent via email or stored unencrypted.

Worked with one of the largest florists in the United States to develop a system that allowed web orders to be sent to via fax. Setup a contract that charged a percentage of each order instead of a monthly fee.  Within a year they were making more orders per month than they usually made all year.

Automating Car dealer ADP System to Web Sites

A car dealer had an ADP DMS access via "Reflections" and remote access only via modem. I was approached by a company with the problem that nightly updates were being done by hand to pull from the ADP system in order to upload them to a web server. This was a complex problem requiring scripts in Windows, ADP “English statement” scripts, Reflections Visual Basic Macros, and finally a bash/PHP script to move the downloaded data into a MySQL database. Met with client and setup a completely automated system.

Integrating Multiple College Databases into Central Web Database

2001-2006: Lead Application Architect, DBA for system integrating multiple universities' and colleges’ admissions databases into a centralized "Sports Recruiting Management System." Led a team which built the web service used by NCAA schools across the country so that coaches and recruiters could adhere to strict NCAA recruiting and reporting requirements.

HIPAA Security Upgrades

Contracted by private regional hospital for assisting with security issues fpr network of several hundred windows 2000 client computers. Network ran with a central PDC running RedHat linux and Samba. Client was required to implement additional security as part of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996).

Multi-Realtor Office MLS to Custom Web Realty System

Multiple realty agencies using the Paragon MLS system wanted to have their own individual pages each with the houses listed. Individual Reator agencies wanted to pull all data from the MLS system (including images) and display them on web sites. System needed to be able to connect daily to the MLS system, download incremental data and relevant images and listing data and then import into MySQL database for real-time display with search capabilities. MLS system originally used XML data as defined by IDX rules, but later changed.

Electronic Data Exchange between 4 commercial systems for one Real Estate Office

A local real estate agency purchased a Perl-based commercial real-estate listing management package and purchased a commercial realty office management software that used Microsoft Access with a Visual Basic back end. Agency wanted to integrate those two products and expand on functionality of online version. Met with principles of agency, and setup deliverables, timeline and budget. Lead DBA and programmer for project able to exceed client expectations and setup a new data-driven website that agency claimed was responsible for becoming the dominant agency in the region.

Enterprise Migration to Tapeless Backup System via incremental Rsync and deduplication

Client had 7 offices each connected via a T1. Each office had a Windows 2003 server with nightly backups via tape. Each system had roughly 100 Gigabyes of data to backup. Existing issues were that complete automation was impossible because individual office managers had to replace tapes, recovery was slow and required searching individual  tapes for the correct data, and the high cost of gigabyte tapes.

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