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Multi-Realtor Office MLS to Custom Web Realty System

Multiple realty agencies using the Paragon MLS system wanted to have their own individual pages each with the houses listed. Individual Reator agencies wanted to pull all data from the MLS system (including images) and display them on web sites. System needed to be able to connect daily to the MLS system, download incremental data and relevant images and listing data and then import into MySQL database for real-time display with search capabilities. MLS system originally used XML data as defined by IDX rules, but later changed.

Electronic Data Exchange between 4 commercial systems for one Real Estate Office

A local real estate agency purchased a Perl-based commercial real-estate listing management package and purchased a commercial realty office management software that used Microsoft Access with a Visual Basic back end. Agency wanted to integrate those two products and expand on functionality of online version. Met with principles of agency, and setup deliverables, timeline and budget. Lead DBA and programmer for project able to exceed client expectations and setup a new data-driven website that agency claimed was responsible for becoming the dominant agency in the region.

XML Path for Newspaper OCR application

Pulled in at 11th hour on project converting from C++ to PHP for heavily used OCR of archival newspapers to web-database application.

Previous company was unable to finish project. Goal was to write an XML-path function that would search an XML OCR scan of newspaper for location of words, phrases, and sentences and return pixel locations for display of images with the words highlighted even if wrapped across columns, hyphenated, etc. Client was given successful function in time to meet deadline.


1998. While developing an electronic medical record system for patients in an orthopaedics trial, I found there were no native PHP graphing libraries. I wrote and released PHPLOT to the public. Recognized as the 6th most successful download on sourceforge in 2000. PHPLOT has been incorporated into other open source and commercial applications, used by millions of people and thousands of companies.



Web-based Traffic Management System managing real-time data from roadside devices

Worked with embedded device team to create a vertically integrated system from field devices to server system to end user. Part of the investigation was looking at raw TCP/IP to generate minimal HTTP requests to minimize network traffic from the numerous, mobile-connected devices. 

Investigated technologies and built from scratch web-system used to manage of deployment, monitoring, reporting, TFTP updates, calculations, and real-time display of data from sensors deployed along roads and connected via mobile traffic.

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