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Web-Based Medical Billing Appliction for Statewide Network of Health Care Providers

Web-based billing/accounting system and patient management software for associated network of doctors across Iowa.

Allowed doctors move to a paperless medical record system. Managed allowed procedures for doctor/patient interactions and automatically created PDFs in format required by insurance agencies and state regulators. Final implementation nearly completely automated billing/reports to state regulators and insurance agencies, saving client hundreds of person-hours per month.

Custom Electronic Schedule Management Web System for Ortho

Web-based Orthopaedic patient/schedule management system. Allowed doctor to track patient statistics, CMEs, meetings,
and allowed staff to provide doctor with documents needed on trips anywhere in the world.

Created bid, deliverables, and timeline for third party as sub-contractor. Lead
DBA, hired additional programming staff for project, trained them in
PHP-database programming, and managed project from inception to completion.

Project so successful for first physician that many other physicians in office setup the same

UNI talent database: 2-tier system, Perl/DBI-DBD

1997 was before PHP, JSP, MySQL or ASP.  The web consisted of static pages and dynamic via CGI. The University of Northern Iowa asked if I could create a “talent database” where individuals could login via a web interface and volunteer as local experts in various fields and keep in contact via email. 

Written entirely in Perl via CGI using DBD/DBI libraries with a mSQL back-end (the precursor of MySQL). In order to make the system completely automated I created a Perl to sendmail to database interface.

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