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Interesting issue with an integration between a new Salesforce application and a legacy enterprise application. The data from salesforce API was limited to 50 records at once so as a workaround the Salesforce team gave access via a SQL call which could send more records each time. Consuming the data came via GuzzleHTTP which absorbed the data from Salesforce and delivers as an object as a nested associative array. E.g.


array (
  Key1 = Value1
  Key2 = array ( 
           key3 = value3
           key4 = value4

which would need to be unwound into dot notation for CSV export (with headers) as

key1, key2.key3, key2.key4
value1, value3, value4

The Salesforce arrays were 3+ levels deep. Not finding a array to dot notation function, I wrote the following:


 * Function unwind_nested_array.
 * Recursive function that creates delimited keys from nested associative array.
 * @param array $data
 *   The many-leveled array to unwind into an array that is one level deep.
 * @param string $delimiter
 *   The string to use separating key values (e.g. '.')
 * @return array
 *   Associative array returned as dotted of nested array.
function unwind_nested_array(array $data, $delimiter = '') { 
  $result = [];
  foreach ($data as $key => $value) { 
    if (is_array($value)) { 
      $result = $result + unwind_nested_array($value, $delimiter . $key . '.');
    else { 
      $result[$delimiter . $key] = $value;
  return $result;