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In the COVID-19 times it can be challenging to work and to have kids who now have 100% of their schooling done remotely and are required to be online for a large part of the day. Social media sites are extremely addictive and kids are extremely vulnerable to forming addictive behaviors. So can you have a small window that shows what your kids (or remote workers) are doing that you can re-connect to if/when they kill the remote connection?

Yes. I've been working with KRDC (KDE Remote Desktop Client) and KRFB (Server) for the following reasons

  • It lets the person know they are being monitored
  • It keeps the password in the KDE wallet instead of in a file so no plain-text passwords
  • you can use key-based (non-password) ssh access for remote configuration and mangement
  • It's very easy to setup and run
  • It allows you to do a remote control (take over their screen) in case they are having difficulty.

Some key technical points:

* If (when) the user kills the client, the KRDC window shows you the last screen they were on

* To have it autostart when a user logs in create the file ~/.config/autostart/XXX.desktop (where XXX is a filename of your choosing)

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=krfb --nodialog

If your user kills the program you can restart it by sshing in as them (use key-based authentication so you don't need their password) and running the command

DISPLAY=:0 krfb --nodialog &

If they change the password you can see what it changed to with the following command (again you have to have connected to their computer under their account)

DISPLAY=:0 kwallet-query kdewallet -f krfb -r unattendedAccessPassword

Each time you reconnect an icon will appear in the  taskbar to let them know it's reactivated.
